How to Clone a CD

Cloning a CD is a good option to backup the entire things on the CD. When you copy files from the CD, it does not copy the CD settings, like its labels and other things. But, cloning a CD copies all the information including CD label, CD type,etc and saves to your hard disk. This becomes useful when you copy a bootable CD in which the settings are configured so the computers can boot from it. Here, I am going to show a software which you can use to clone your CDs, DVDs with all its settings.

Step 1: First of all, Download Daemon Tools and install it.
Step 2: After installing it, click on the “Disc imaging” icon as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 3: Now, you will be taken to the configuration dialog box, where you will have to specify from where does the Daemon Tools clone CD, where to save the Clone and whether to password protect it or not.
From the Device Dropdown menu, choose your source CD drive, eg. F:\. Set the reading speed as slow as possible. Because, if you set it too fast, then your destination image file may get corrupted. In the Destination image file, choose the folder where you want to save your clone CD and choose the ISO format. ISO format can be burned with any CD Burner software, so better if you choose it.
After setting up the above settings, click on Start. The software will then start cloning the CD.
I hope you would have gotten idea on how to clone the CD by reading this article !
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